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We're Here to Help


When it hurts to live, it helps to talk. Suicide Prevention Network offers group settings where you will find help, hope, comfort, understanding and support in a confidential environment with others who are feeling the very same way. You are not alone.


We are dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through support, education, and advocacy. Please join us at any of the groups provided free of charge.


meets on the 1st Thursday of the month, 11:30-1:00 pm at the Suicide Prevention Network office 

  • PTSD Support Group  meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 6:00-7:30 pm at the Suicide Prevention Network office.


Contact Debbie


If you are having suicidal thoughts, have attempted suicide yourself, or are a survivor because you have lost someone you loved, consider coming to one of our group meetings.

Seek Help
Know Someone?

It is important to be able to identify if someone you love is at risk of completing suicide. This section will give some tips on what to look for and some ideas about how to help someone who is suicidal.

Warning Signs

These signs may mean someone is at risk for suicide. Risk is greater if a behavior is new or has increased and if it seems related to a painful event, loss or change.

Suicide Prevention Network (SPN) is a non-profit agency located in Douglas County, Nevada dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide and to providing the resources for you to receive help and support in a confidential environment, free of charge. Donations which allow us to continue our work are gratefully accepted. Tax ID: 73-1646702

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